Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Kanye vs. 50... The conclusion

Since the days of Tupac versus Notorious B.I.G., or Jay-Z versus Nas, disputes between rappers have been a sure fire way to generate lots of headlines and the media attention didn't disappoint when industry bad boy 50 Cent challenged Kanye West.

Both regulars on the charts, sell millions of albums, and are among the most notable personalities in the entire music industry.Various reasons spark these conflicts, but ego is always a universal factor.

The two have butted heads before. In 2005, 50 made claims he was the reason for West's success.He's also accused Kanye of making "safe" music.

When it was revealed both artists would release their respective third albums on Sept. 11. 50 dismissed the idea of West outselling him, going as far as to bet his solo career on it.

Now the dust has settled three weeks after both albums have released and one thing is clear: 50's LP was the loser, both sales-wise and artistically.

Week 3 SalesKanye West - 133,000, Total: 1,316,000
Curtis- 71,000 Total: 905,000
Sales aren't everything when judging musical quality, but the pair of albums proves that Kanye is hungry to evolve, while 50 is comfortable living in a state of complacency.

Jay Z recently offered his thoughts on why Kanye came out on top to entertainment weekly;
‘It's pretty much how much he [Kanye] cares about it. It's not done for any other reason but to be the best music out at that specific time. You know, at times you could hear [other] people's music, and you hear, ''Okay, that's your girl single, that's the thug single, that's the...'' No, it's none of that. Every single song he makes, he makes because he thinks it's the best record at that specific time. He may not think it next week, but that week, he thought that was the best record that he could make’

He also told Billboard that 50 Cent hit a misstep when he focused too narrowly on his previous sales and not on his current songs."50, in his arguments, focused on his numbers and sales," says Jay-Z. "Kanye focused on making the best art that he could make at that time. He wanted to go with 'Can't Tell Me Nothing' and 'Stronger,' and those records worked in two different markets to perfection -- 10 out of 10."

UK DJ Semtex exclusively spoke to me and shared his thoughts on why Kanye did so well in the UK;"Kanye has been on my radio show 6 times, I met him at the first Power Summit to when we did the most recent interview. He is a unique artist that strives to push the boundaries in Hip-Hop and he actually gives a f*ck about the UK unlike most rappers. Kanye West is the future of Hip-Hop"

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